Canadian Hamster Shops

If you live in Canada, you may have found that many of the links on this page don’t work as well for you!

For my friends to the north, I’m compiling a list of Canadian hamster shops where you can get safe & appropriate hamster products.

I also recommend checking out this amazing document put together by a Canadian Hamster Enthusiast!


While selection of products my differ from Amazon US to Amazon Canada, I have heard Canadian hamster owners say that the best way to deal with this is to shop on the US site and choose international shipping. Will shipping be more? Yes! But, as you may realize, most good hamster products (like wheels, hides and enclosures) will last a long time, so it’s not a purchase you need to make again and again.

Enchanting Pets Canada

I have seen a few hamster owners post about this shop (most notably the hamster breeder, Strong Brew Hams). They have a good selection of hamster and hedgehog products!


Snoot and Stub Co

This small animal shop offers foraging supplies, chew toys, & enrichment right from Canada!


Hay Country

True Colours Products is privately owned by Kim & Mark McKay. They grow hay for small animals in addition to importing quality products for guinea pigs, bunnies, hamsters & chinchillas.

Shop them here —>